Bibliographic Reference
Amanda Cachia, The Agency of Access: Contemporary Disability Art and Institutional Critique, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2024.
The Agency of Access Book Tour, Spring 2025:
Wednesday January 29, Brazos Bookstore, Houston
6:30pm CST @brazosbookstore
Friday January 31, Society for Contemporary Art Historians, online, in conversation with artists @corban_walker and @papalia_carmen,
1:30-2:30pm CST, with ASL @scah_ig
Wednesday February 12, Printed Matter, NYC, 6-8pm
in conversation with art historians Paloma Checa-Gismero @palomachecagismero and Katie Anania @thevillagecharlatan @printedmatterinc
Thursday February 13, Whitney Museum, NYC
4pm EST, with ASL. Attendees to this event will also be able to explore artwork by one of the major subjects of the book, Christine Sun Kim, in her solo exhibition, All Day All Night, @whitneymuseum
Thursday April 3, Basket Books, Houston
6:30pm CST @basketbooksandart